Correspondence to/from Court Filed - Defendant is no longer employed January 30, 2024 (2024)

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Aug 22, 2024 |CGC23609505

Matter on the Discovery Calendar for Thursday, Aug-22-2024, Line 7, [PART TWO OF TWO] DEFENDANT JOANN EDSON'S MOTION TO DEEM FACTS AS ADMITTED; AND REQUEST FOR ATTORNEY FEES OF $300.00 (CRC 3.1702, CCP 2033.010 AND 2033.280(B). (ADDED FOR POSTING OF TENTATIVE RULING) Any party who contests a tentative ruling must send an email to with a copy to all other parties by 4pm stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. The subject line of the email shall include the line number, case name and case number. If the tentative ruling is not contested, the parties are deemed to have stipulated to the Pro Tem hearing the motion and the Pro Tem will sign an order confirming the tentative ruling. The prevailing party is required to prepare a proposed order repeating verbatim the substantive portion of the tentative ruling and must e-mail it to the Judge Pro Tem. The court no longer provides a court reporter in the Discovery Department. Parties may retain their own reporter, who may appear remotely. A retained reporter must be a California certified court reporter (CSR), for only a CSR's transcript may be used in California courts. If a CSR is being retained, include in your email all of the following: their name, CSR and telephone numbers, and their individual work email address. =(525/JPT)


Aspire General Insurance Company vs. Allison

Aug 22, 2024 |22CVG-00899

ASPIRE GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY VS. ALLISONCase Number: 22CVG-00899This matter is on calendar for review regarding status of the case. The Court notes that Plaintiff has still not fileda Proof of Service of Summons. Monetary sanctions have already been imposed. The Court will issue an Orderto Show Cause Re: Dismissal for failure to timely serve and failure to timely prosecute. Hearing on the Order toShow Cause will be on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in Department 63. The clerk is directed toprepare an Order to Show Cause Re: Dismissal. The matter will also be calendared on Monday, November 4,2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 63 for review regarding status of service. No appearance is necessary ontoday’s calendar.


Discover Bank vs. Hagler-Mabry

Aug 20, 2024 |24CVG-00462

DISCOVER BANK VS. HAGLER-MABRYCase Number: 24CVG-00462Tentative Ruling on Motion to Quash Service of Summons: Defendant Deborah Hagler-Mabrymoves to quash service of summons pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 418.10 on thegrounds of improper service. Defendant argues that personal service was improper, because theprocess server “tossed” the summons and complaint on the porch outside of Defendant’s home.Plaintiff opposes the Motion, arguing that the process server’s return establishes a rebuttablepresumption of the facts stated in the return, pursuant to California Evidence Code section 647.Plaintiff has filed a verified return establishing a rebuttable presumption that Defendant waspersonally served on June 13, 2024. Defendant has not offered any admissible evidence to rebutthe presumption.Merits: “When a defendant challenges the court's personal jurisdiction on the ground of improperservice of process the burden is on the plaintiff to prove … the facts requisite to an effectiveservice.” Summers v. McClanahan (2006) 140 CA4th 403, 413, (internal quotes omitted); seeLebel v. Mai (2012) 210 CA4th 1154, 1163. Delivering copies of the summons and complaint todefendant personally constitutes “personal service” of summons. CCP § 415.10. As long as theprocess server identifies himself or herself and tells the reluctant defendant that he or she is beingserved with process and leaves the papers as close as possible to the defendant, service is validnotwithstanding the defendant's refusal to accept. Trujillo v. Trujillo (1945) 71 CA2d 257, 260.California Evidence Code section 647 provides that the return of a process server registeredpursuant to Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 22350) of Division 8 of the Business andProfessions Code upon process or notice establishes a presumption, affecting the burden ofproducing evidence, of the facts stated in the return.Here, Plaintiff has provided a verified Proof of Service from a registered process server thatestablishes personal service of Defendant. The Summons and Complaint were delivered toDefendant at her home address on June 13, 2024. Defendant confirmed her identity to the processserver by nodding when named. Defendant tried to refuse service by closing the door. Thedocuments were left and seen by the Defendant. This constitutes valid personal service. Defendanthas failed to offer any admissible evidence to rebut the presumption of the facts stated in theprocess server’s return as required by Evidence Code section 647. Service is valid and the Motionto Quash is DENIED. No proposed order has been lodged as required by Local Rule 5.17(D).Defendant shall prepare the order.



Aug 25, 2024 |CVPS2402470

BANK OF AMERICA N.A. vs Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings byCVPS2402470SANTOS BANK OF AMERICA N.A.Tentative Ruling: Granted.No opposition filed.Review of answer and amended answer does not dispute Plaintiff’s complaint.Plaintiff to file proposed judgment within 5 days of this order becoming final.Plaintiff to provide notice pursuant to CCP 1019.5.


OneMain Financial Group, LLC vs. Escalante

Aug 20, 2024 |23CVG-00811

ONEMAIN FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC VS. ESCALANTECase Number: 23CVG-00811Tentative Ruling on Motion to Deem Requests for Admissions Admitted: The present motionis unopposed. Plaintiff OneMain Financial Group, LLC as servicer for Wilmington Trust N.A., asIssuer Loan Trustee, seeks an order deeming admitted the truth of matters specified in Plaintiff’sRequests for Admissions, Set One, which were served on Defendant Marissa Escalante by mail onFebruary 12, 2024.Merits of Motion: When a party fails to respond to a request for admission, the requesting partymay move for an order deeming the genuineness of documents and the truth of matters specifiedin the requests admitted. CCP § 2033.280(b). Failure to respond also waives any objections to thediscovery propounded. CCP § 2033.280(a). Unlike a motion to compel further responses, a motionto compel responses when no responses have been provided does not require the propoundingparty to demonstrate good cause or that it satisfied a meet-and-confer requirement. SinaikoHealthcare Consulting, Inc. v. Pacific Healthcare Consultants (2007) 148 Cal. App. 4th 390.Here, Plaintiff’s moving papers sufficiently demonstrate that the discovery was served by mail andDefendant has failed to respond within the required time frame. The request to deem the mattersadmitted is granted.Monetary sanctions are mandatory per CCP 2033.280(c); however, Plaintiff did not seek monetarysanctions and provided no evidence regarding attorney’s fees or other costs associated withbringing the motion. Sanctions should only be imposed for “reasonable” expenses. CCP §2023.030. The Court does not have information upon which to make a finding that any amount ofsanctions were for reasonable expenses and will not impose sanctions. The motion is GRANTED.A proposed order was lodged with the Court and will be executed.



Aug 26, 2024 |22PSCV02056

Case Number: 22PSCV02056 Hearing Date: August 26, 2024 Dept: 6 Plaintiff Rock Creek Capital, LLCs Request for Entry of Default Judgment Defendants: Jesus E Espinoza and Pamela Witrago TENTATIVE RULING Plaintiffs request for entry of default judgment is GRANTED in the reduced amount of $107,273.46. Plaintiff shall submit a new Proposed Judgment with the reduce amount prior to the August 26, 2024 hearing. BACKGROUND This is a collection case. Plaintiff Rock Creek Capital, LLC (Plaintiff) is a debt buyer and acquired a series of education loans from original creditor Sallie Mae. On November 28, 2022, Plaintiff filed this action against Defendants Jesus E Espinoza, Pamela Witrago (Defendants), and Does 1 through 15, alleging one cause of action for breach of contract. Default was entered against Defendants on September 27, 2023. Following a denial of Plaintiffs prior default judgment package, Plaintiff resubmitted a default judgment package on November 17, 2023. Following the denial of that default judgment package, Plaintiff resubmitted the default judgment package on May 28, 2024. LEGAL STANDARD Code of Civil Procedure section 585 permits entry of a default judgment after a party has failed to timely respond or appear. (Code Civ. Proc., § 585.) A party seeking judgment on the default by the court must file a Request for Court Judgment, and: (1) a brief summary of the case; (2) declarations or other admissible evidence in support of the judgment requested; (3) interest computations as necessary; (4) a memorandum of costs and disbursem*nts; (5) declaration of nonmilitary status; (6) a proposed form of judgment; (7) a dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not sought or an application for separate judgment under Code of Civil Procedure section 579, supported by a showing of grounds for each judgment; (8) exhibits as necessary; and (9) a request for attorneys fees if allowed by statute or by the agreement of the parties. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1800.) ANALYSIS Plaintiff seeks default judgment against Defendants in the total amount of $112,129.36, including $112,129.36 in principal damages, $0.00 in prejudgment interest, $0.00 in attorney fees, and $0.00 in costs. However, Plaintiff still has not adequately provided a calculation for the interest it seeks. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1800, subd. (a)(3).) It is not enough for Plaintiff to just state the lump sum calculation; Plaintiff needs to show how that lump sum was determined. (See Id.; Welch Decl., ¶ 6.) The evidence submitted is unclear as to how Plaintiff determined the amount of interest sought. On the one hand, Plaintiff provides a statement of account dated September 1, 2021, showing an interest balance of $28,050.81, and even this amount is not fully explained, as it does not provide the beginning date to the end date for the total number of days multiplied by the per diem rate. (Welch Decl., Ex. E, p. 34 of pdf.) On the other hand, that same document later shows only $9,975.39 in unpaid interest. (Welch Decl., Ex. E, p. 41 of pdf.) Additionally, since this loan agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Utah, Utah law governs the prejudgment interest calculation, so it is unclear if the 12.375% interest rate is permissible under Utah law. (Welch Decl., Ex. A, pp. 7 and 11 of pdf; Airs Aromatics, LLC v. CBL Data Recovery Technologies, Inc. (2020) 50 Cal.App.5th 1009, 1014 [contract containing New York choice-of-law clause held to govern the plaintiffs recovery of prejudgment interest].) Given that this is Plaintiffs third default judgment request and Plaintiff still has not provided a calculation for the interest sought, the Court will deduct $4,855.90 from the total judgment instead of denying without prejudice and having Plaintiff resubmit the default judgment package. Based on the September 1, 2021 statement, the total days from June 9, 2019 to September 1, 2021 is 815 days. Thus, the Court calculates the interest at $23,294.90 (815 x $28.46 daily interest). The Court otherwise finds Plaintiffs default judgment package is in order and will award Plaintiff default judgment in the reduced amount of $107,273.46, i.e., $83,928.56 for the principal sum, plus $23,194.90 accrued interest, plus the $150.00 late fee at the time of charge-off. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Plaintiffs request for entry of default judgment is GRANTED in the reduced amount of $107,273.46. Plaintiff shall submit a new Proposed Judgment with the reduce amount prior to the August 26, 2024 hearing.


Aspire General Insurance Company vs. Allison

Aug 21, 2024 |22CVG-00899

ASPIRE GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY VS. ALLISONCase Number: 22CVG-00899This matter is on calendar for review regarding status of the case. The Court notes that Plaintiff has still not fileda Proof of Service of Summons. Monetary sanctions have already been imposed. The Court will issue an Orderto Show Cause Re: Dismissal for failure to timely serve and failure to timely prosecute. Hearing on the Order toShow Cause will be on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in Department 63. The clerk is directed toprepare an Order to Show Cause Re: Dismissal. The matter will also be calendared on Monday, November 4,2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 63 for review regarding status of service. No appearance is necessary ontoday’s calendar.


OneMain Financial Group, LLC vs. Escalante

Aug 21, 2024 |23CVG-00811

ONEMAIN FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC VS. ESCALANTECase Number: 23CVG-00811Tentative Ruling on Motion to Deem Requests for Admissions Admitted: The present motionis unopposed. Plaintiff OneMain Financial Group, LLC as servicer for Wilmington Trust N.A., asIssuer Loan Trustee, seeks an order deeming admitted the truth of matters specified in Plaintiff’sRequests for Admissions, Set One, which were served on Defendant Marissa Escalante by mail onFebruary 12, 2024.Merits of Motion: When a party fails to respond to a request for admission, the requesting partymay move for an order deeming the genuineness of documents and the truth of matters specifiedin the requests admitted. CCP § 2033.280(b). Failure to respond also waives any objections to thediscovery propounded. CCP § 2033.280(a). Unlike a motion to compel further responses, a motionto compel responses when no responses have been provided does not require the propoundingparty to demonstrate good cause or that it satisfied a meet-and-confer requirement. SinaikoHealthcare Consulting, Inc. v. Pacific Healthcare Consultants (2007) 148 Cal. App. 4th 390.Here, Plaintiff’s moving papers sufficiently demonstrate that the discovery was served by mail andDefendant has failed to respond within the required time frame. The request to deem the mattersadmitted is granted.Monetary sanctions are mandatory per CCP 2033.280(c); however, Plaintiff did not seek monetarysanctions and provided no evidence regarding attorney’s fees or other costs associated withbringing the motion. Sanctions should only be imposed for “reasonable” expenses. CCP §2023.030. The Court does not have information upon which to make a finding that any amount ofsanctions were for reasonable expenses and will not impose sanctions. The motion is GRANTED.A proposed order was lodged with the Court and will be executed.


Mariner Finance LLC v. Jon Black

Aug 16, 2024 |CC - Civil Collection |CC - Civil Collection |02D03-2408-CC-003069


Brenda Picetti, Raymond Thoza v. Debra M Modeiros, George C Thoza, Julie Monnieret al

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Jefferson Capital Systems LLC v. Sara Pio

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Discover Bank v. Shonda R Skipper

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Correspondence to/from Court Filed - Defendant is no longer employed January 30, 2024 (2024)


What does leave to file document mean? ›

The purpose of the "Motion for Leave" is to ask the court for permission to file a document or take an action that is not normally allowed or provided for by the court's rules or procedures. The court will consider the defendant's motion and decide whether to grant or deny the request.

What is a document called that is filed with the court to state the position of the plaintiff or the defendant in a lawsuit and ask for relief from the court? ›

pleadings - Written statements of the parties in a civil case of their positions. In federal courts, the principal pleadings are the complaint and the answer.

Which of the following are written questions submitted by one party to a lawsuit to another party? ›

Interrogatories: Interrogatories are written questions sent by one side in a lawsuit to an opposing side.

How do you respond to the statement of material facts in NY? ›

In the response to the material statement of facts, the respondent shall recite the movant's paragraphs and then provide a response to that paragraph so the Court has all the materials in one document.

What does it mean when a document is filed in court? ›

Court filing is the process of submitting your documents, either electronically or in physical form, to commence or supplement an ongoing legal action. Filing documents in a timely manner is imperative for the success of a legal case.

What is a leave to file a reply? ›

If you need to inform the Court of something after filing your motion then you can ask for permission. This permission takes the form of a 'Motion for Leave to File a Reply'. There are many causes for taking such an action (such as underhanded behavior from your opponent, or newly discovered information/evidence).

What is the plaintiff's answer to a counterclaim? ›

An Answer to a Counterclaim is a written response by you, the Plaintiff, to the Defendant's Counterclaim. The Answer to Counterclaim must also state defenses to each of the Defendant's counterclaims in short, plain statements.

What is the document called that informs the defendant? ›

Summons: A form prepared by the plaintiff and issued by a court that informs the defendant that he or she has been sued.

What is the first document the defendant usually files in a lawsuit? ›

The most common documents are the complaint, answer and motions. The first document that you must write/file is called a COMPLAINT. The function of the COMPLAINT is to tell the Court and the defendant the reason for filing the lawsuit and what relief you desire.

What is a judge's decision called? ›

adjudication: The judge's decision in a case or action. ad litem: "For this lawsuit." Comes from Latin. administrative procedure: The way an executive government agency makes and enforces support orders without going to court.

What happens if new evidence is found during a trial? ›

After-discovered evidence is an issue predominantly in criminal proceedings and may be used as the basis for a motion for a new trial. Courts employ a four-part test in determining whether to grant a new trial on this basis.

What is the burden of proof in a civil case? ›

In a civil lawsuit, the burden of proof rests on the plaintiff or the person filing the suit. The plaintiff should prove that the allegations are true and that the defendant, or the other party, caused damages. When it comes to establishing a civil case, the plaintiff must usually do so by a preponderance of evidence.

What is the making of a material misrepresentation of fact? ›

A misrepresentation is a false statement of a material fact made by one party which affects the other party's decision in agreeing to a contract. If the misrepresentation is discovered, the contract can be declared void. Depending on the situation, the adversely impacted party may seek damages.

What is a material disputed fact? ›

A genuine issue of material fact is a disagreement between opposing parties on facts legally relevant to a claim.

What is the NYS best evidence rule? ›

The core element of the best evidence rule is “proof of content.” The rule requires the production of the original of a writing, recording, or photograph only when a party is seeking to prove the contents of the writing, recording, or photograph (e.g. Flynn v Manhattan & Bronx Surface Tr.

What does it mean to file a document? ›

to store papers, letters, or other documents in an ordered or particular way: We file the reports by zip code. [ T ] To file something can mean to make an official record of it, or to begin a legal process: to file an insurance claim.

What is a motion for leave to file a sur reply? ›

2001) (“The standard for granting a leave to file a surreply is whether the party making the motion would be unable to contest matters presented to the court for the first time in the opposing party's reply”). A surreply is only appropriately granted where there is a “new matter” introduced in the reply motion.

What is the motion for leave to intervene? ›

A petition for leave to intervene may be filed in any proceeding before the Administration. The petition will be granted by the presiding officer if the proposed intervenor establishes that it has a substantial interest in the proceeding and will not unduly broaden the issues therein or unduly delay the proceeding.

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.