Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (2024)

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Home / Product / Secure single sign-on (SSO) solution

In the cloud and behind the firewall

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Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (2)

One secure SSO portal for all apps, for every business - large or small

Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (3)

Increase productivity while keeping data secure. With single sign-on usersonly have to enter one set of credentials to access their web apps in thecloud and behind the firewall – via desktops, smartphones and tablets.This foundational identity and access management(IAM) measure is a first step in building trusted experiences for yourworkforce, customers, and partners. OneLogin's policy-driven passwordsecurity, multi-factor authentication, and contextaware access management ensure that only authorized users get access tosensitive data. You can implement more demanding password policies such asrequired length, complexity and restrictions on password reuse, as well assession timeout and password reset self-service policy to heighten protectionwithout impeding your users.

Berwin, Leighton, Paisner

The single sign-on services provided by OneLogin have proven imperative to rolling out new applications to the whole organisation, no matter the location or time zone. Not only has it helped us simplify a rapidly evolving estate of applications but with thanks to OneLogin, we can look to integrate more software with complete confidence in the future.


Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (4)

Secure, unified endpoint management

OneLogin Desktop is a new kind of endpointmanagement. Users can leverage the secure profiles of laptop and desktopcomputers enrolled with the OneLogin Cloud Directory. Once users have loggedinto their secure profiles with their OneLogin Cloud Directory credentials,they can directly access all their apps via the OneLogin SSO portal. In otherwords, once users are logged into their operating system, they don’tneed to login again to access corporate apps, freeing up their time whilestrengthening security!

Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (5)

Multiple logins

Our single sign-on authentication system lets you create any number oflogins to the same type of application. If you have five WordPress sites or two Google Apps accounts, OneLogin makes them available with one password, one click. If you have different staging and production environments, multiple login functionality is a real time-saver.

Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (6)

Social login

Allow end-users to login to OneLogin using their Social Identity Providercredentials from services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Thisstreamlines the user experience by removing the need to create and remember anew password. We’ve made it very easy for OneLogin admins to implement Social Login. This feature is especially useful for apps used by your customers, as it removes friction at a critical point in the customer journey.Learn more about Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM).

Windows domain authentication

OneLogin only prompts users for credentials when necessary.Users who are already signed into their corporate Windows domain getautomatically signed into OneLogin using Integrated Windows Authentication.

Application launch links and deep linking

Users don't always have to access apps via OneLogin's SSOportal. Many times, apps are launched via links in emails, such as documentsharing notifications or meeting invites. Just click the link and OneLogingets you signed in automatically.

Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (7)

Personal applications

OneLogin is not limited to enterprise apps. You can choose to allow users to add their own, personal apps like LinkedIn, Twitter and travel booking sites. Personal apps do not require IT involvement and are easily configurable and accessible to users via their secure single sign-on portal.

Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (8)

Delegated administration

Enforce the Zero Trust principle of least privilege access by delegating admin rights at a granular level. Programmatically assign privileges based on role and alleviate the burden on IT for access requests, while protecting your organization against security threats.

Password vaulting

OneLogin elegantly handles web applications that don't supportfederation with a technique known as password vaulting. This enablesenterprises to provide their users with SSO for all web applications. Themechanism by which vaulted passwords are stored has been extra hardened toprotect them against unauthorized access.

App catalog

OneLogin is pre-integrated with thousands of web applicationsand new apps are added every day. Search our app catalog and add the apps you need to youraccount. Obsessed with an app we don't already support? Let us know and we'lladd it for free.

Secure all your apps, users and devices

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Single Sign-On Solution: One Portal for All Your Apps | OneLogin (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.