The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

NAD THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1937 News Of Interest In Social Circles CLARA CALLAWAY SEAY, EDITOR PHONES 75 AND 111-W. Today's Thought EXILE By Hazel Scaife Detwiller Surely there is some mistake, Or perhaps I'm not awake, But a nightingale is singing From a tree down in the park, And he's' changing all the dark From a quiet bit of Washington To England, in the, spring. Hear him ring Up and down Through his scale of soaring bird notes, Up and down, up and downTrilling, rilling, thrilling, spilling Golden treasure round and round: Filling all the quiet darkness With the miracle of sound. Washington has merged its shadow With a de Devon meadow Near a sleeping little town. BIRMINGHAM GARDEN PILGRIMAGE OF INTEREST HERE An event of state-wide interest and one that claims the individual interest of every flower lover is the annual spring Garden Pilgrimage of Birmingham.

This year it will be held on Saturday afternoon, April 24, beginning at 2 o'clock. Busses and cars will be at Highland Avenue and 21st Street to take the guests on the tour of several of the city's most beautiful gardens, including spacious estates and 'small gardens of beauty, which may be copied at small expense. Visits will be made to "'The House By the Side of the Road," the home of Mrs. Walker Percy: "Bachelor Hill," owned by Mr. William Logan Martin; "Kirk Manor," home of Mrs.

Horace Hammond; "Bon Accord," home of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Johnson. where there is a magnificent view of the valley; and at "Thorley," the garden of Mr. and Mrs.

0. G. Thurlow, where tea will be served and each guest presented a small potted plant. The women of the Church of the Advent, who are sponsoring the pilgrimage, extend a cordial invitation to women of Selma and the surrounding section to enjoy this rare treat with them. MRS.

HARPER TO ATTEND NA-. TIONAL CONVENTION OF MUSIO CLUBS Mrs. W. W. Harper, well-known musician of this city and leader in state musical interests, will leave Wednesday for Indianapolis to attend the National Convention of Music Clubs convening through April 23 to 29.

Mrs. Harper, who has held many state Music Club Federation offices, is 'at present president of the third district, A. F. M. C.

She will be joined for the trip by Mrs. T. V. Spier of Greenville, a former member of the Selma Music Study Club. BRESLIN-SERVICE FUNERAL HOME Church Street Phone 116 Ambulance SELMA RELATIVES TO ATTEND WEDDING OF MISS SARA WEBB AND MR.

MILLER IN DEMOPOLIS Motoring to Demopolis today and Wednesday to attend the wedding of Miss Sara Creagh Webb of that City and Thomas Richard Miller of Brewton, which will be solemnized on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Webb, will be the brides grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Roger Jones, and a number of other relatives, including Miss Jennie Mabry and Mr. W. S. Mabry, Mr. and Mrs.

W. N. Thompson, Mrs. Marshall Cawthon, Mr. and Mrs.

Catesby Jones, Mr. E. C. Miss Page Melvin, Mrs. Gertrude Bailey, and Dr.

and Mrs. Catesby Jones of Asheville, N. C. and Mr. and Mrs.


W. G. Agnew, president of Huntingdon College, Montgomery. will be host at a luncheon for Dallas County alumnae of the college on Saturday at 12:15 o'clock at Church Street Methodist Church. All graduates and former students of Tuskegee Female Institute, Womans College and Huntingdon are invited to be present.

Those who wish to reserve places are urged to call Mrs. Allen Collins, 1499-R, at once. MR. ARNOLD OF VREDENBURG MARRIED TO MISS COLEMAN OF COLUMBUS, MISS. The marriage of Mr.

Edgar Arnold of Vredenburg, Alabama and Sara Coleman of Columbus, which took place on April 6 is of social interest. The ceremony was performed in Greenville, Alabama on the evening of that date. Mr. Arnold is salesmanager of the Vredenburg Sawmill Company. SELMA VOCALIST SINGS WITH HUNTINGDON GLEE CLUB Mrs.

Alfred Freeland, a former Huntingdon College, student, was guest soloist at the concert given by the college Glee Club in the auditorium Monday evening. Mrs. Freeland sang "One Fair Day" from the opera Madame Butterfly, and "Indian Love Call" from Rose Marie. Mr. and Mrs.

Barney Gill and Mrs. T. E. Crutchfield of this city attended the performance. LADIES AUXILIARY TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Ladies Auxiliary to the Order of Railway Conductors will meet Wednesday at 2 p.

at Odd Fellows Hall. MUSIO STUDY CHORAL PRACTICE THURSDAY There will be practice of the Choral Club of the Selma Music Study Club on Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. P. M. Munro.

BAPTIST MEET AT PLANTERSVILLE The Baptist quarterly meeting will be held at the Methodist church in Plantersville Thursday April 22, as the Baptist Church is being renovated. Visiting Mrs. Foster Riggs has returned to her home in Pleasant Hill after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Luckie. Mrs.

Riggs has recovered from a lengthy illness. I Rain or Shine Snowdrift for Cake Biscuit Pastry and Frying Its locked-in goodness always the same SNOWDRIFT doesn't change with the weather. It is always the same fine, easy-to-mix shortening for cakes, pastry and biscuits. Mr. and Mrs.

Marcus Crenshaw of Huntington, West Virginia, are guests of Judge and Mrs. Thomas E. Knight. Mr. and Mrs.

August Rothschild, who have been enjoying a trip to the Bahamas, have returned to New York City and are expected home within a few days. Personals Dr. Kenneth Luckie, president of the Dallas County Medical Association, left today for Birmingham to" attend the state medical convention. Mrs. Arthur Williams is a patient at the Selma Baptist Hospital.

Mrs. Shearen Breslin was called Monday to Mobile to the bed-side of a niece, who is critically ill. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Betty Finch of Tuscaloosa. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Hohenberg land Mrs. H. C. Armstrong left Sun. day for a motor trip to Fort Walton.

Miss Frances Hain of Birmingham and Sardis is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hain, at Sardis. Mrs. W.

H. Gross is a patient in the Vaughan Memorial Hospital. CONTROL BOARD DECLARES WAR ON BOOTLEGGER (Continued from Page One) "All contraband beverages found in the possession of anyone in this state will be confiscated and the person in whose possession these beverages are found will be subject to a heavy fine." MONTGOMERY, April 20 -(P)-Selection of, store sites and negotiations with manufacturers occupied the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board today as it prepared to open state-controlled liquor stores in Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile. The board said yesterday tentative agreements had been reached for leasing three store sites in Birmingham and two in A Mobile. Two stores have been selected at Montgomery.

Contracts submitted by the board last week for an initial stock of approximately $1,000,000 worth of whiskey, rum and gin, were being received back today, most of them accepted. First shipments were ex. pected to arrive at Mobile warehouses within a few days for state distribution, The orders were divided between 49 approved firms that submitted price lists. Signed contracts from 22 of the firms had been received by the board today, with five other houses declining contracts because of price stipulations. Gotham Theatrical Agent Is Center Of Confession Dispute (Continued from Page One) Square.

Her head was bashed in with a hammer. Police asserted Rosenbaum confessed an altercation with the dancer; his attorney said there was no such confession. Sam Leibowitz, noted criminal lawyer, was retained for the defense. Inspector Michael McDermott quoted Rosenbaum as saying: "I had been drinking heavily. I remember going into the room and Julia was there.

We had some words. We had been arguing for several days. Because I wanted to go back to my wife and she didn't want me to. "She hit me first with something-1 don't know what it was. I must have grabbed the object out of her hand and hit her with it, but I don't remember.

I don't remember anything until I woke up in a jail in Monticello." Rosenbaum was arrested Sunday night in Mountaindale, N. Y. GAIL PATRICK Today RICARDO CORTEZ "Her Husband Lies' and Come Early Wednesday! Their frat -laugh-and-thrill together. match of love Jean TAYLOR REGINALD OWEN with Short Features A Thrilling Technicolor "GIVE ME LIBERTY" Pete Smith--Boosting "Ski Skill" ACADEMY Wednesday Thru Friday YOUTH REPENTS FREES BOY AFTER 'SNATCH' (Continued from Page One) medium height. He appeared early yesterday afternoon at a park where the three children were playing.

Promising candy, he persuaded William to get into his automobile, a brown roadster, Captain Tichie reported. Just before dark William walked into a gasoline station five miles away from home. William's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart William Blodgett came here recently from St.

Paul, Minn. A grave, quiet child; William, was unimpressed by his adventure. "I'm hungry," he told his mother when taken home. She produced a piece of pie. "A napkin, please," William said.

A news photographer asked the boy to pick up the pie for a "picnic picture." "No," said the child, "I pick ap my pie. I'd like a spoon, please." William spooned his pie and went to bed, TEXTILE INDUSTRY OPERATORS SPURT (Continued from Page One) 952,236 and 17,760,252 for February this year, and 19,187,904 and 17,053,028 for March last year. Active spindle hours in cottongrowing states for March totaled 7,323,292,352, or an average of 387 hours per place, compared with 6,374,864,652 and 336 for February this year, and 324,284 and 296 for March last year. Active spindle hours and the a erage per spindle in place tor March in cotton-growing states were: Alabama 737,388,342 and 390; Georgia 1,296,332,719 and 392; Mississippi 74,893,088 and 363; North Carolina 2,195,528,029 and 363; South Carolina 2,391,341,525 and 423; Tennessee 257,117,490 and 399; Texas 91,365,550 and 358; Virginia 218,576,542 and 335. STATE CONVENTION OF ROTARY CLOSES (Continued from Page One) which followed a meeting of new and retiring club presidents and secretaries, included Karl Landgrebe, Birmingham; Algernon Blair, Montgomery and James A.

Lee, Selma. During the luncheon at 12:30 at which Dr. J. S. McCallie, head of the McCallie school at Chattanooga, will be the principal speaker, trophies will be awarded clubs with the best attendance records for the annual meeting.

The convention has been in session here since yesterday morning. Last night, more than 300 delegates and guests assembled for a banquet, followed by a dance, at which John M. Holmes, newspaper columnist of Greenville, S. discussed "Why We Do Not Understand Europe." HITLER READY TO CALL HALT (Continued from Page One) or disarm, as he considers events outside Germany dictate. As a birthday celebration, one million boys and girls, born in 1927, were enrolled in the Hitler youth movement, swelling the membership to 7,000,000.

The climax for the day was a spectacular parade demonstrating Germany's new war machine. For three hours troops passed through the Brandenburg gate past a reviewing stand where Hitler was flanked by his highest ranking generals. Altogether 131 different formations were lined up, totalling 000 soldiers, 1,500 horses and 600 motor vehicles representing all kinds used in the motorized Ger- STATE TO HAVE MANY ELIGIBLE FOR GOV'T AID (Continued from Page One) employes since the law was enacted in 1935. Harper said the funds had been deposited in the United States treasury, with the administrative expense borne by the federal government. "As employers and employes pay their contributions into the unemployment compensation fund they are forwarded to the federal treasury," Harper said.

"These funds draw interest. from the time of their deposit, which is added to the state's unemployment fund and will be used when needed to pay unemployment. compensation to Alabama wage earners. "Alabama was among the first states to enact enabling legislation after Congress passed the Social Security act. Therefore, this state will be well equipped to begin the payment of unemployment comp nsation January 1, 1938, the date fixed by the National Social Security act." Harper said on April 1 a total of 3,707 employers had registered as subject to the law and their reports showed 214,673 wage earnerg eligible for unemployment compensation, BRITISH VESSEL DEFIES REBELS TO AID BILBAO at foreign ports to inspect cargoes of vessels bound for Spain.

The British freighter Sarastone was the first ship to apply for clearance to Spain under the 27- nation neutrality pact. General Franco designated the insurgent-held portions of Spain an authoritarian state, like Italy and Germany, with himself at the head. But he did not ban possible restoration of the Spanish monarchy if his forces win the civil war. Insurgents claimed a victory on the Basque front and said government forces had suffered "heavy losses" in fighting near Teruel, 150 miles east of Madrid. A.

V. Gregory MEMORIALS J. 0. Collins Designers and Builders Selma Marble Granite Works, Inc. Starts Wednesday (Continued from Page One) BLASTING! the most vicious masked murder mobs into the open! LEGION OF TERROR BRUCE CABOT Marguerite Churchill PLUS--Fox News Comedy WALTON Phone 527 man army.

creates new beauty to make lovely ankles still lovelier. The White Kid "Billfold" slim Pump, smart of $8.75 unique! KAYSER'S Filled Promptly Orders Mall PAGE THREE "YES! THANK YOU! BUSINESS IS GOOD! AT EAGLE'S!" THERE'S A REASON: Fresh, crisp, brand new standard quality merchandise-in newest of the new season's styles. In every department of the store--at our usual lowest in the city prices, which you can afford to pay! In spite of rising costs we are maintaining our regular low prices as long as present stocks lasts. We urge and advise you to buy now! You can always find what you want here. Over 700 New SUMMER SILK FROCKS Received Since Easter The combined efforts of five of New York's smartest dress buyers have served to replenish our stock, depleted by unprecedented pre-Easter selling--We are now prepared to serve you in fashionable new styled summer silk frocks for any and very occasion.

Class Night FROCKS! Party Night FROCKS! Dance Night FROCKS! ful Lovely Nets! Chiffons! Stunning Crepes! Beauti- cA Regal Laces! Alluring Nets! Enchanting new bright summer colors. 6 .90 ALTERATIONS FREE AT EAGLE'S Leghorn HATS! Linen HATS! New York's smartest styles. Large wide color, colors. picture brims. linens style in hats white Leghorns in the and in popular natural pastel $1.95 You Can't Help But Rave Over Our Vast Display Of SILKS and WASH GOODS! We are justly proud of our Piece Goods Department! We are daily told by traveling salesmen that this department compares most favorably in qualitiesvarieties--styles and prices with stores in cities more than ten times the size of Selma! If it is new and worthwhile you will find it at Eagle's.

-Cool Beautiful Lady BATISTE PRINTS 50-inch Heavy White Chiffon Prints 95c Pretty new Waffle Cloth 79c leading fabric for sum- terns, fast Extra wide width for womThe 15c mer afternoon and evening en's and girl's summer sport frocks. Handsome patterns coats. Regular $1 value. in large floral designs. New Summer "Shandu" Prints 49c Sportmode Mercerized BAGS New mercerized shantung fabric in outstanding, beauShantung 39c White and tiful and colorful designs.

A quality fabric for every Pastel kind of summer frock, skirts, Lady Lovelace and coats, suits, guaranteed. etc. All colors $1 Printed Voiles 39c A fine quality voile with lace effect stripe in the prettiest "Sharkskin" Silk prints you ever saw. Ideal Knit summer wash fabrics. Suiting 98c Crystal The new summer fabric for Sport Fabric 49c Silk and Linen summer top-coats and suits.

Dumari's guaranteed wash- Washable Prints. 79c White and pastel colors. able cotton knit fabric for The Hit of the Season is this real smart styled sport frocks strikingly pretty new fabric Peter-Pan Handker- and suits. All colors. for dress and sports wear.

chief Dress Lawn 39c Suzanne Flock 36-inch Pre-Shrunk The smart plain color soft Dot Swiss 33c Dress Linens 69c dress lawn for tailored summer frocks. All colors guar- Light and grounds Beantiful new floral patterns dark with anteed. the guaranteed colored dots. in new designs. Guaranteed A crisp, cool fabric for sum- fast colors.

mer wash frocks. NEW WHITE NEW WHITE SLIPPERS COATS For street and dress wear Fleece jigger and sharkThe town's Skin prettiest TOPPERS $2.98 styles. All Wool Flannel skin COATS $2.98 All Silk Ghost New Dotted Sheer Chiffon Swiss Wash HOSE FROCKS Eaales The Store of More Than Half a Century $1.15 pair $1.95.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)


What was Selma Alabama famous for? ›

Selma, Alabama, captured the attention of the entire nation and became the center of a decisive shift in the American conscience. The nexus of the voting rights campaign of the 1960s, Selma was the starting point for three marches in support of African-Americans' right to vote.

What is Selma Alabama like today? ›

Relatively comfortable temperatures will make early morning a good time to get outside today.

How old is Selma Alabama? ›

Dallas County came into existence in 1818, while the city of Selma was established two years later in 1820 by a group headed by later U.S. Vice President William Rufus King. While the county was named for Alexander J. Dallas, a Scottish immigrant lawyer, the city drew its name from Ossian's poems.

What is the phone number for the Selma Times Journal? ›

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Times-Journal at (334) 875-2110.

What percent of Selma was black? ›

About 80% of the population is African-American. Selma was a trading center and market town during the antebellum years of King Cotton in the South. It was also an important armaments-manufacturing and iron shipbuilding center for the Confederacy during the Civil War, surrounded by miles of earthen fortifications.

Why is Selma called Selma? ›

Filmmakers most likely chose this name because it was about the Selma to Montgomery marches that Dr. King participated in. The name is Selma and not Dr. King because it is a story told over a three month period where Dr.

Is Selma, Alabama a nice place to live? ›

Selma is a very historical environment with a diverse community. It can be unsafe after dark because of the crime rate is one of the highest in Alabama.

What famous person is from Selma Alabama? ›

Mia Hamm. Born in 1972 in Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, Mia Hamm is considered one of the greatest female soccer players in history. She was a key player for the U.S. women's national soccer team, winning two World Cups and two Olympic gold medals.

What is the white population of Selma Alabama? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American14,18679.36%
Native American2021.13%
3 more rows

What is Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama? ›

Breadcrumb. Today marks the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a march held in Selma, Alabama, in 1965 for the 600 people attacked on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. It was there that law enforcement officers beat unarmed marchers with billy clubs and sprayed them with tear gas.

Was Martin Luther King at Selma? ›

On 2 January 1965 King and SCLC joined SNCC, the Dallas County Voters League, and other local African American activists in a voting rights campaign in Selma where, in spite of repeated registration attempts by local blacks, only two percent were on the voting rolls.

Why is Selma called the Queen city? ›

The author and historian said he used Queen City in the book's title to emphasize Selma's “dominant role in the area.” Fitts mentioned other nicknames Selma has acquired over the years, including Arsenal of the Confederacy, the Central City, the Athens of Alabama and Birthplace of the Voting Rights Movement.

Why did MLK choose Selma Alabama? ›

In March 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. chose Selma as the starting point for his march to Montgomery, Alabama as this was perhaps the most racist region in the nation at the time and it was also the location where a noted civil rights advocate had been murdered.

What happened in Selma Alabama in 1963? ›

Hundreds of Black residents were arrested, beaten, or threatened in Selma during the first half of 1963. On the morning of October 7th, on what SNCC and DCVL called “Freedom Day,” 350 Black residents of Selma bravely lined up at the county courthouse—risking their livelihoods—and attempted to register to vote.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.