The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

THUM9AT AFRJL lenn Crisman Withdraws From Country Club Event Bieter Order Tlrows Tenney Into Open fiffet Yemgsters Post Rig Advance Warnings Boudreau Hopes For Ted Return Receives Boost Williams Perks Boss With Long Pokes By JACK HAND NEW YORK OB1 Ted Williams return to the Boston Red Sox line up may be sooner than you think. After watching Williams hit tw or three balls into the Fenway Park bull pen during an impromptu batting practice the other day. Manager Lou Boudreau hopes for the best. My guess is May 15, he said before yesterday's game with New York. "But I hope it's before that.

I certainly was pleased by his work in the first day in the cage. It all depends on Ted and the doctors. Whenever he wants to play or pinch hit, he can just say the word. Of course, he still has that pin in his shoulder, protruding a little. They say theyll take that out, May 3, I think.

But they could move that up. Boudreau didn't even know Williams was going to hit until he and Joe Cronin, having a conference in the club offices, heard somebody batting a ball. They looked out the window to see Williams batting. Bobby Doerr. back in Boston on a visit, pitched to him for a few minutes.

Boudreau finally finished up. The skipper still bubbled with enthusiasm 24 hours later. I said before and I'll say it again." Said Boudreau. If we can stay up there, and Ted is only 50 per cent as good as he was last year, we'll be in the race. Williams, of course, has been sidelined since he broke his collar bone, March 1, at Sarasota, Fla, in the first day of spring training.

CASEY AND HIS FELLAS Manager Casey Stengel tries to remember the names of the three first basem*n who started out the season in Yankee livery. Left to right are Bill Skowron, Joe Collins and Eddie Robinson. (NEA) WIPE OFF THAT GRIN Its two-to-one bet Huts the first thing Tarzan White will say to Elmer Davis, seen above In one of his favorite fighting poses. Davis worked on Tarzan like a tympanl player last month here with the result that White was forced to withdraw for a while to mend. Tarzan Is getting his first chance at Davis again here tonight at the Armory at 8:30 as the feature bout on the weekly wrestling card.

Nashville Fans Remain At Home To Watch Video 374 Paying Fans At Vol Ball Park Tilt AsteelaUd Fkh national league Wo Loti Eel. Philadelphia -JjJ Cincinnati Brooklyn Mil wu- 3 4 429 IS Ntw York 3 Chicago I IS? 1 Pittsburgh 3 I -370 2 Tlarslif fi tfbttfal prafcatU flicker. -WIT-. Hrm York at Pittsburgh. 130 m.

-Oodles 0-l Donnell 0-0 Only game uheduled WKnNKKDAY'M RESULTS Brooklyn 6 Philadelphia 3 Pittsburgh 5. New York 4 Si Louis 4. Cincinnati 9 Milwaukee 7. Chicago 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Loet Pet. Behind 4 3 .571 Chicago 4 3 .571 New York 4 3 .571 Washington 4 3 .571 Cleveland 3 3 500 Ys Philadelphia 3 .439 I Boftoa 3 4 .439 1 Baltimore 2 4 .333 Hfc Thursday schedale and probable pltebert Cleveland at Baltimore, 3 pm.

-Garcia 0-1 vs. Ptllette 1-0 only game scheduled WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS New York -5. Boaton 1 Cleveland 2. Baltimore 1 i Washington 13, Philadelphia 1 1 Only games scheduled aOUTH ATLANTIC Waa Lett Pet Behind Montgomery 7 1 .875 Macon 3 .750 1 Jacksonville 5 3 035 2 Columbia 4 4 .500 3 Savannah 4 4 500 3 Charlotte 3 5 .375 4 Augusta 2 6 250 5 Columbus 1 7 .125 4 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Savannah 11, Charlotte 7 Jacksonville 11, Columbia 1 Augusta 7. Columbus 0 Montgomery 12, Macon 7 TODAYS SCHEDULE Savannah at Charlotte Jacksonville at Columbia Augusta at Columbus Macon at Montgomery SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Won Lott Prt.

Behind Little Rock 8 4 .667 Atlanta 8 4 .87 New Orleans 8 6 .571 1 Memphis 7 6 ..738 1 1 a Birmingham 6 7 M2 2'j Chattanooga 5 7 417 i Mobile 5 7 .417 3 Nashville 3 9 250 5 YESTERDAYS RESULTS Birmingham 14, Atlanta 4 Nashville 7. Chattanooga 3 Memphis 11. Little Rock 10 Mobile 7, New Orleans 5 TODAY'S SCHEDULE Birmingham at Atlanta Little Rock at Memphis Chattanooga at Nashville New Orleans at Mobile INTERNATIONAL Won Lott Pet. Havana 3 0 1.000 Rochester 2 0 1.000 Ottawa 1 0 1.000 Syracuse 1 0 1.000 Buffalo 0 1 .000 Montreal 0 1 .000 Richmond 0 3 .000 Toronto 0 3 .000 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Syracu.o 7. Mon: eal 6 Ottawa 4.

Buffalo 2 Havana 4, Toronto 2 Rochester II, Richmond 4 TODAY'S SCHEDULE Toronto at Havana (2i Rochester at Richmond (2) Only games scheduled Tarzan White To Get Chance Versus Davis Defending champion Glenn Crls-Bitn turned over the .1954 Selma Country Club Invitational Golf Tjjiumament to the kids here Wednesday. Crisman, whose trophy room resembles a wholesale Jewelry house stockroom. Informed the Clmes-Joumal late Wednesday that the man said Id better leave It So the young folks this year. Crisman physician said that While last years popular gallery favorites condition wasn't serious bis blood pressure was slightly higher than normal, "The Doc didn't suggest that I withdraw," the former Southern Amateur and Alabama champion aid. "he put it in the form of an rder.

Crisman keen sense of humor took over the situation as the Old blaster worried over this years opportunity to make the champion-ghip flight without the added pressure of having to qualify. Defending champions automatically are placed in the championship flight tipon registration. By golly, here I having to throw away my 'Chance at another championship When Im getting that chance with-cut lifting a finger, he fussed, and With what looks like one of the best fields I've ever seen entered It should be a rip-snorting tournament this year. A great fighter and competitor. Crisman was ready to slug it out with the sensational array of youngsters, especially a group from the University of Alabama who have captured all eight of their matches this year in intercollegiate play.

Bis withdrawal will leave a big gap in the colorful 26th annual tournament lineup. Crisman says he will set up offices on the porch at the country Club, take his bhttculars along and watch 'em stngle. Meanwhile, word goes around at club that whoever wins this year's tournament will have to brush aside the younger element. Attention is centered on, beside the University of Alabama's dazzling quad, the University of Mississippi team which will play a match with the Alabama squad while, at the Same time, qualifying, and the Marion Institute and Parrish High terms. A former Selma champion and a tv nerup are among those on the Capstone unit.

Jackie Maness cap-tv red the local tournament in 1951 ile M. C. Fitts was runnerup that year. Fitts won the Alabama State Tournament In 1951 and recently added two championships to his impressive collection when he took the Mountain Brook of Birmingham and Anniston titles on successive Weekends. If you dont think it will be a colorful show tonight at the Selma National Guard Armory during the weekly wrestling evehts glance down the scoreboard.

Theres Brown and theres White and theres Red Byrd, all in different matches. Bobby Jones Walks Into Ringdom Fame By RALPH BERNSTEIN PHILADELPHIA OP) Television and Oil Turner are making life much easier for Bobby Jones, his four kids and his expectant wife. Jones arrived in Philadelphia I early last month for a 10-round gk bout with Turner. The 2B-year-old HBu Uf8W I Californian was unranked and figured so much cannon fodder for oBlTOr TlU0 fcl0V0l1 the ambitious local boy. But Jones, a 3-1 underdog, won a split decision.

An accident said Turner and his following. It couldn't happen again. It didn't. Instead of a split decision, the methodical Jones won on a 10th round technical knockout here last night in the return bout. He was only a 2-1 underdog this time.

So Jones, who came here with little or no reputation, leaves witn tWo imiressive victories, his pockets lined with green stuff to take care of the little Jones kids and momma, and prospects of a big outdoor fight in June. Both of the Jones-Turner fights were part of the Wednesday night TV fights (CBS) so Jones picked up $4,000 in video money. He is supposed to have wrangled a $7,000 guarantee from promoter Herman Taylor for the encore. Less than 2,500 fans paid $8,835 last night. Jones, who weighed 154 Vfc.

ended the fight after 1:12 of the final round. He caught the onrushing Philadelphia Negro with a right hand to the chin and drove a solid left to the body. Turner sagged, fell into the ropes as Jones smashed him with hands. Blood streamed from a cut above Turner's left eye. He lurched across the ring and almost fe'l through the ropes as referee Znch Clayton stopped the fight.

Ed Warren Pitches Livingston To Win BIRMINGHA MiP Livingston State defeated Howard 6-3 yesterday, using four double plays to nip Bulldog rallies in the bud. Hurler Ed Warren let Howard down with five hits, and fine fielding pulled him out of several tight spots. Warren also led the Livingston attack with three blows, good for two rutis baited In. First, Farmer Brown will tangle with Bobby Lane in a preliminary bout for a one-fall decision with a 60 minute limit. Second, Red Byrd, well-known by oldtime wrestling customers, will meet Nature Boy Apollo in the feature event and forerunner to the main event.

Finally. Tarzan White will finally get his chance against an arch-: I enemy, Elmer Davis, who hospital-: ized White a month ago when he wrapped a chair around Tarzans I ears necessitating a dozen stitches in the former University of Ala- bama all-American football player's pate. Exploding action will be the order of the night. The preliminary event will mark the final appearance here for some time to come for Brown, who will take ovei the administration angle 1 of the stable's business. His fol- lowers plan to turn out en masse for his retirement.

Wins First Race For Dad HALLANDALE, WV Robert Barnett certainly picked the right time to ride his first thoroughbred winner. When the 20-year-old Chicago apprentice jockey scored with Measure Up at Gulfstream his father, Aaron Barnett, gave him a big hug. His dad owns the horse. It was Jockey Barnetts 10th mount. Plan Your Luncheon and Dinner Parties at the TALLY-HO DINNER CLUB Summerfield Road Open 11:00 am.

to 11:00 p.m. By The Associated Press Nashville tried its first dose of televised Southern Association baseball last night, and the Vol officials found it a bitter pill. Only 374 paying fans were in the stands to watch the Vols whip Chattanooga 7-3 for their third victory of the season. In addition to television, a nal tennis match was in town and that may have helped limit the turnout at Sulphur Dell to the smallest crowd of the season. It was the other way around In Atlanta.

With a car night crowd of 7,189 on hand largest of the season the Crackers crumbled dismally and Birmingham romped to a 14-4 victory. Mobile beat New Orleans 7-5 despite six double-plays by the Pels and Memphis rallied to whip Little Rock 11-10. All this still left the Travs and Atlanta tied for the league lend. Mobile's Billy Harris allowed 10 hits and three walks, but got out of trouble several times with 10 strikeouts. Mobile loaded the bases In each of the fir three innings with one out, but the Pels pulled a double-play each time.

Mew Orleans made a twin-killing in six of the eight innings the Boars were at bat. Lou Bcrberct got a homer, dm-jble and single and drove in throe runs during Birminghams rout of Atlanta. A Frail Quail SPARTANBURG S. (P) Spartanburg County Jailer Carlisle Brockman says a bird on the windshield is worth two in the bush. During three hours he spent hunting quail, his dog flushed two coveys before he could get a shot.

While driving home, however, a fat quali flew' Into his windshield and killed itself. DISCOUNT CASH CARRY Bring us your items for Dry Cleaning or Laundering Time for Mothproofing and Storage Use our Service! Thank You! BURSON LAUNDRY -CLEANERS 709 Jeff is Selma DIAL TR 2 2431 J. DAY GENERAL INSURANCE Complete Insurance Service for Your Home Your Car Your Business W. J. Day, A.

M. Bradbury 1004 Water Ave. Dial TR 2 3561 Livingston faced Jacksonville State today, and Florence State at Florence on Its road trip tomorrow. Jacksonville defeated Marion Institute yesterday 5-1, Livingston 010 120 Oil 6 9 2 Howard 000 003 000 3 5 1 Warren and Billings; Harrison and Dean. Popper Rodgers, with four touchdowns, 13 extra points and one field goal for 40 points, led Georgia Techs football team in scoring last season.

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won tost Pet. Charleston 3 .714 indlaofcuolls 4 2 .667 LoutavUle 4 3 .571 Columbu 3 3 .500 Kansas City 3 4 .429 Minneapolis 3 4 .429 Toledo 2 4 .333 St. Paul 3 4 .333 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Charleston I. Minneapolis 7 Columbus 7. 8t.

Paul 3 Kansas City 6. Toledo 4 Only Raines scheduled TODAYS SCHEDULE Indianapolis at Charleston Kansas City at Columbus Minneapolis at Toledo St. Paul at Louisville Tle New York flat racing season. which runs for 196 days, closes Nov. 15.

TEXAS extra Parrish Will Face Lanier Here Friday John O. Moore, Parrish High School mainstay, will be given other chance at Sidney Lanier here Friday. John bothered with a sore arm at the time, was met with a flurry of basehits and the Poets went on to larrup the local club, 37-4, some two weeks ago. Moore hurled Monday against Orrville High and set them down with threthits while strikeouts mounted to 12. He defeated the Dallas County neighbors.

6-1, and said his arm felt in good shape. Parrish dropped a 12-2 decision to Bibb County on Wednesday as Ray Scott curbed the local hitters while Bibb was lacing Huffman and Pitts. Lanier will face Moore again Friday at 3:30 in Bloch Park. Won Lost Pet. peed Demons Meet On Motor Speedway Thirty-five of the souths speediest daredevils will be featured at the New Montgomery Motor Speed-Way on the old Selma Road near the capital city Sunday, April 25, When they zip their hot-rods around the one and a half mile asphalt track.

Car-racing lovers will have a day of pleasure when these top-notchers gather for their crunching, ripping battle. Among some of the outstanding racing car pilots will be Bill Horton nd his Famous 88 from Montgomery, Woody Wilson and Gene of Mobile, the latter being tne Florida State champion of 1953, Tommy Wells of Birmingham, who set a Birmingham track record of 87:02 recently, Sonny Black of At-nta, Roy Boddy and Fred Demo Of Montgomery and from Talladega be Horace and Bud Pitts. Quebec will have a 10-day moose hunting season opening Oct. 1. Last year the season was six days longer.

Shreveport San Antonio Fort Woh Beaumont Dallas Selma Cage Stars Got Troy Letters Dr. Earl Watson. Troy State Athletic Director today announced the letter-winners of the 1953-1954 edition of the Red Wave basketball team which was coached by Len Serfustini. The team was the most successful in Troy State history and won 22 games as against 6 defeats. The lettermen we're Bill Travis, Selma.

Alabama, who is a graduating senior and will receive the coveted Varsity Blanket; John Garrison, Selma; Jerre Tillman, Columbus, Georgia; Ken Hilycr, Phenix City; George Wilkenson, I Columbus, Georgia; Joe White, Brewton; Jerry Johnson, Enterprise; Bernard Boyd, Montgomery; Richard Mueller, Mobile; and Bobby Ross, Tallassee. The managers award went to Pledger Sullivan of Ozark. With six of these players returning for the 1954-1955 hardwood season Coach Serfustini will have a solid core of veterans around which to build his TODAYS BASEBALL By The Auoctated Preee ALABAMA-FLORID A Andalusla-Opp at Fort Walton Beach OracevtUe at Panama City Creatvlew at Dothan WEDNESDAYS STARS PITCHING Bob Porterfield. Washington Senators, checked Philadelphia Athletics on three hits for his first victory 13-1. HTTTING Larry Doby, Cleve-j land Indians, hit a ninth inning home run with A1 Rosen on base to beat Baltimore 2-1 after ihe Indians had been held hitless I through eight innings.

NtA It looks like weve got a weapon of frightening power and can give science full credit for the H-bomb, at least until Senator McCarthy starts to investigate it, says Agch Near, brite. enrich its Great Bourbon flavor PANAMA CITY OPENS PANAMA CITY, Fla. -The 25th annual Panama Country Club Invitation Golf Tournament began i here today and will last through Sunday. Defending champion is Scotty Fraser, 18, Panama City golfer attending Louisiana State STETSON PAINT A Paint for Every Purpose-distributed by. Stewart, King McKenzie Dial 4-5201 Selma, Alabama Tulss a a .429 Oklahoma City 4 10 .26 Houston 39 .250 YESTERDAYS RESULTS Fort Worth 13.

Shreveport 7 Houston 9. Oklahoma City 0 Tulsa 3. San Antonio 2 Beaumont 18. Dallas 1 TODAYS SCHEDULE Beaumont at Dallas Shreveport at Fort Worth Houston at Oklahoma City San AntonlA at Tulsa PACIFIC COAST Won Loat Pet. San Diego to 7 Los Angeles 10 -7 .58 Portland 9 7 .583 Sacramento 9 7 .533 Seattle 9 7 .563 Oakland 9 7 .563 Hollywood 5 1 .313 San Francisco .4 12 .250 YESTERDAYS RESULTS Los Angeles 2, Hollywood 0 Oakland 5.

San Francisco 2 Only games scheduled Thursday's Major League Leader By The Asaoelaled Press AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING Glynn. Cleveland. .571: White. Boston, .455: Jensen. Boston, .423: Avila.

Cleveland. .417: Fox. Chicago. .414. RUNS BATTED IN Bauer, New York, 9 HITS Fox.

Chicago, Olvnn. Cleveland and Jacobs. Philadelphia, 12. HOME RUNS Jensen. Boston.

4. STOLEN BASES Eleven players tied with 1. P1TCHINO Lemon. Cleveland. Oro-mrk.

Detroit and Lopat. New York, J-0, 1.000. STRIKEOUTS Turley. Baltimore 23. NATIONAL LEAGUE BATT1NO Jackson.

Chicago. .524: Baker. Chicago. 476 Adco*ck Milwaukee. 456; Hodges.

Brooklyn, Hapiner. Philadelphia. .429. RUNS BATTED IN Oreengrass. Cincinnati.

13: Ennis. Philadelphia. 10. HITS Oreengrass, Cincinnati. 13.

HOME RUNS Campanella and Hodges. Brooklyn. Mathews, Milwaukee and Ennis. Philadelphia. 3.

8TOLEN BASES Fondy. Chicago. 3. PITCHING Nuxhall. Cincinnati.

Spahn. Milwaukee. Maglle, New York and Simmons and Dickson, Philadelphia. 2-0. 1.000 STRIKEOUTS Spahn.

Milwaukee. 14. WEDNESDAYS FIGHTS By The Associated Prese PHILADELPHIA Bobby Jonea. 154A Oakland. stopped OU Turner.

1521. Philadelphia. 10. SYDNEY. Australia Freddie Daweon'.

144, Chicago, outpointed Oeorge Barnes. 142. Australia, 15. TOKYO Flash Elorde. Philippines, outpointed Htrosht Okawa, Japan, 10.

(Bantamweights, but exact wetfhta not available 1 YOUR SAVINGS NOW Eor" VA Selma Trust Savings 'Rank Member F.D.I.C. COTTINGHAM INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance of all Kinds 1116 Dallas Ave. Dial TR 4-9711 BIG TIME THROW HIM OUT Eddie Williams starts to fall out of the ring after being walloped by Doug Kirby, who stopped the Tucson hghtweight in the seventh round in San Francisco. -(NEA)' 4 aH 43 QT. 2 rFl I 86 PROOF WRESTLING Tonight 8:30 Featuring a return grudge bout under Texas Rules to a finish.

Winner take all. Tarzan White vs. Elmer Davis OLD HICKORY Farmer Brown vs. Bobby Lane Nature Boy Apollo vs. Floyd OLD HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION PHILA.

PA YESTERDAYS BASEBALL BESULTS ALABAMA-FLOBIDA Dothan 11. Crestview 10 Fort Walton Beach at Andalusla-Opp. postponed, rain. Panama Ctty at OraccTllle, postponed, rain. Admission $1-50 $1.90 (Children 25c).

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.